Barrow Foodbank Update 4th October 2016
6th October 2016
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Dear Friends,
Life has been very busy here at the foodbank. We have had our annual audit and are waiting for our report but think all has gone well.
We have also lost a number of our core volunteers to illness or work and family needs. We are asking if anyone would be interested in doing one of these roles:
- Administrator to coordinate the administrative and data collection systems
- Organisational Coordinator who works with business sector, encouraging collections and encouraging them to become involved with the work we do by helping in events or donating good.
- Fundraising Coordinator who plans and coordinates fundraising activities throughout the year.
- A Supermarket coordinator that coordinates the Tesco Collections recruiting volunteers for the shifts an liaising with the store.
All these roles are supported by other members of the core group. If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact Ann Mills at [email protected] or at the foodbank 01229 343436 or on mobile 07920808944 for further information or come in for a chat.
We are having a collection at Tesco Extra on the Friday, 14th and Saturday 15th October 2016. If you are shopping on that day, please donate an item to our trolley as Tesco tops up our collection with 20% cash. Maybe you would like to help with our collection by giving up an hour and a half of your time if so contacts us.
Planning ahead, we are having a National Neighbourhood Food Collection on 1st, 2nd and 3rd December at Tesco Extra, Tesco Flass Lane and Tesco Millom. We will be looking for volunteers then so please put it in your diaries.
You may have seen the story in the Evening Mail that due to funding we have received we are now providing for people sleeping rough with a rucksack containing a sleeping bag, a carrymat, a camping gas stove, a saucepan, a flask to fill with boiling water with us during the week and at the Salvation Army at weekends, melamine cup, bowl and plate, a spork, a can opener, toiletries in a bag, a towel and a dish cloth, knitted hat scarf and gloves and clean underwear. The Salvation Army will offer showering facilities and clean clothes. We are doing this as it will allow them to eat a full range of food and not just cold food as has been the case to now. Instead of taking their 3 days foods at one go, they will be able to select each day what food they want. By giving them a rucksack, they will be able to take their possessions with them instead of having them stolen. We hope that they feel they have had some dignity restored. If you wish, you may donate items to this project.
At present we are running low on sponge puddings, tea coffee and sugar.
Thank you all for your support